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than adequate. University researcher Andrä Wolter estimates
that approximately 75 percent of Germany‘s population
is now qua-
lified to stu-
dy in higher
education. A
student who
has completed the ´Abitur´ sitting next to a gardener study-
ing biology or an interior decorator who has decided to take
a degree in material culture – this is the kind of scenario we
must be prepared for in future.
In order to make higher education more attractive to people
much better prepared to meet the changed requirements of
their current target groups as well as those of newgroups.Po-
licymakers have taken the first steps in this direction.  In 2009,
the Standing Conference of theMinisters of Education (Kultus-
ministerkonferenz) passed a resolution that broadens access
to higher education. Since then individuals with a master
craftsman‘s diploma, technicians, qualified professionals in
commercial or financial occupations and holders of equivalent
qualifications have general access to higher education, while
individuals with basic vocational qualifications are entitled to
take degree courses in certain subjects. As far as the German
education system is concerned these regulations are more
Blick in die Oldenburger Kita Uni-Campus: Neue
Masterstudiengänge sollen künftig stärker
Berufstätige mit Kindern ansprechen.
A view of the Oldenburg Kita Uni-Campus: new
Master‘s courses will aim to attract professionals
with children.
This orientation towards
traditional student
has long since
ceased to correspondend to the reality.
Die AutorInnen
The authors
Anke Hanft ist seit demJahr 2000 Professorin fürWeiterbildung an der
Universität Oldenburg.Sie ist Direktorin des Centers für lebenslanges
Lernen (C3L) sowieWissenschaftliche Leiterin desWolfgang Schulen-
berg Instituts für Bildungsforschung. Zu ihren Forschungsschwer-
punkten zählen die Weiterbildung an Hochschulen, Kompetenzer-
fassung informell erworbenen Wissens und Qualitätsmanagement
in Bildungs- und Wissenseinrichtungen.
Heinke Röbken ist seit 2011 Professorin für Bildungsmanagement
an der Universität Oldenburg. Zuvor arbeitete sie u.a. als Professorin
für Bildungsmanagement und Bildungsorganisation an der Uni-
versität Wuppertal. Röbken promovierte mit einer internationalen
Vergleichsstudie über Business Schools.Es folgtenmehrere Gast- und
Forschungsaufenthalte, so zum Beispiel an der UC Berkeley. Ihre
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Schul-, Hochschul- und Wissenschafts-
Olaf Zawacki-Richter ist seit 2010 Professor für Wissenstransfer und
Lernenmit neuenTechnologien an der Universität Oldenburg.Zuvor
war er Hochschullehrer für Bildungstechnologie an der FernUniversi-
tät in Hagen.Zawacki-Richter leitete vier Jahre lang internetgestützte
Weiterbildungsprojekte imBankensektor in Frankfurt amMain.Seine
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Lernen mit neuen Medien, Kompetenz-
entwicklung und Fernstudium.
AnkeHanft hasbeenaprofessor of continuingeducationat theUniversi-
ty of Oldenburg since 2000. She is thedirector of theCenter for Lifelong
Learning (C3L) aswell as scientificdirector of theWolfgangSchulenberg
Institute for Educational Research (Wolfgang Schulenberg Institut für
Bildungsforschung). Hermain research interests are continuingeduca-
tion at universities, the assessment of informally acquired knowledge
and quality management at educational and scientific institutions.
Heinke Röbkenhas been a professor of educationmanagement at the
University of Oldenburg since 2011. Previously she was a professor of
educationmanagement and education organisation at the University
of Wuppertal. Röbken gained her doctor degree with an internatio-
nal comparative study of business schools. Research work at several
universities, including UC Berkeley, followed.The main focuses of her
research are school, university and knowledge management.
Olaf Zawacki-Richter has been a professor of knowledge transfer and
learning with new technologies at Oldenburg University since 2010.
Before he took his chair at Oldenburg he was a lecturer in educational
technology at the University of Hagen. Zawacki-Richter led internet-
supported continuing education projects in the banking sector in
Frankfurt on Main for four years. The main focuses of his research are
learningwith the aidof newmedia, the development of competences
and distance learning.